Here is our (ongoing) list of "STUFF" which we have found useful along the way.
Emergency mini rolls of loo paper!First aid kit including wet wipes.
Insect repellent and various anti Head torch on stretchy band Sarongs used as pillows,towels
itch creams - Stop itch, tiger balm can be worn around wrist or blankets, or a makeshift bag,
and buddha balm. or head or hung up. and a million and one other uses.
there isnt one or its manky and on carry over 1l and then folds customs, toiletries, wires,
trains, buses, planes. completely flat. freebie coffee and tea sachets etc
Swiss army knife - does exactly Freebie tea, coffee, sugar, Freebie soap, shampoo,shower gel
what it says on the tin! milk powder, salt and pepper so we dont have to buy or carry
from aeroplanes, cafes and big bottles around.
Packing cells - can pack stuff Duct tape - useful for just about any
neatly and efficiently into patch up job.
rucksack and organise belongings.