Monday 15 August 2011

7th August - Nelson Day 2 The centre of NZ and off to Kaikoura.

 Today we leave Nelson behind. Of all the places we have visited it is one of our favourites and we are sad to be leaving so soon. Before we leave we climb the ridiculously steep Botanical Hill - 
a horrible climb up winding paths in the Botanic Gardens. The path starts at the location of  the first documented rugby game took place in NZ and leads to the geographical centre of NZ. 


The scenery changes again as we travel through Blenheim and down through Marlborough "wine country"  and then hit the easterly coast and the crashing turquoise ocean - leaving the Tasman Sea behind us.
Several fellow travellers advised us never to pay to see penguins, sealions or seals in NZ as we could easily see them for free. We are heading for Kaikoura - a town rich in marine life where we hope to have another wildlife encounter - but cant quite believe  the roadside views of the plentiful groups of seals laying on the stony beaches and grassy banks all along the road into Kaikoura. 

We stop several times and venture unimaginably close. Another remarkable afternoon. 

1 comment:

  1. Where are you? We are missing you and your updates! Hope all is well xx
