Predictably we wake very, very early and in the drizzle it is decided that we should drive to Mackay to have breakfast instead of attempting to cook in the wet. We park in the lagoon carpark and eat - the pool is not yet open which means we have to walk across the road to the shopping mall to use the facilities as al fresco wees are out of the question! The rain has stopped and we are the first people splashing around in the (quite chilly) water! Our plan while we are in the area is to head inland and into the National Park at Eungella in the hope of seeing the elusive platypus - but given the weather and the fact that there are several creek crossings and potential "off road" sections which we are not really allowed to attempt in our van, it is decide that we should abandon this plan and continue on.

Our next camp is at St Laurence and we head off in the afternoon to find it. It is off the main highway and as we enjoy the views David suddenly gives a shout "Oh my goodness, I think I just ran over a snake!" We pull a u turn and are amazed to see a 6ft snake lying across the road, very obviously not runover, and very obviously still alive, catching the last few rays of sun and heat radiating from the tarmac. A quick photo session from the safety of the van and on to the campsite. It is here we meet an Australian family with 4 children (Poppy 3, Sandy 7, Rosie and Hazel) on a 3 month road trip through Australia starting in Victoria, up through the centre, through Northern Territories and down the East Coast. The girls are thrilled to be around other children and rapidly make new friends. It is heartening to hear their enthusiastic chatter recounting some of the experiences we have had so far and comparing camping notes!
And then came the rain, bucket loads of it!
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